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Gregs KZIM Interview 8 10 22
Greg Stout's Interview with Faune Riggin discussing new book Connor's War and winning the Shamus Award for first time writer awarded by Private Eye Writers of America

Faune Riggin
News and Program Director
Host and producer of Real Talk With Riggin
Gideons Ghost

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Shawn Reilly Simmons interviews Greg Stout
Award Winning Mystery Author & Editor
Lost Little Girl
Speaking of the Arts
Speaking of the Arts is mid-Missouri’s only in-depth weekly arts show. Each week show host Diana Moxon talks with different arts makers about the theatre, literature, fine arts, film, and music happenings they create, and takes a peek behind the scenes at their inspirations, motivations, history and knowledge of particular plays, books, artworks and compositions.

Two painters, an award-winning author, and not your typical singer songwriter: Checking in with the Missouri Arts Council's featured October artists
Each month the Missouri Arts Council features four artists on its website from a variety of arts genres, and on this week's show Diana Moxon checks in with the October...

Faune Riggin
News and Program Director
Host and producer of Real Talk With Riggin
Lost Little Girl